When Woman Lets Her Child Run Rampant, Sales Clerk Gets The Best Revenge Ever

I am a cashier at a shop that specializes in fine clothing, like for proms and weddings. As such we have MANY white dresses made from materials that are easily soiled.

Me: “Welcome to [Bridal Store]. How may I help you?”

Mother: “I just wanted to see what kind of dresses you have. I’m getting married soon.”

Me: “Congratulations! My supervisor is just over there, and she can help you out with anything you need.”

At this point, I notice that a small boy followed her in, and he is carrying one of those family-sized bags of cheesy snacks. I can immediately predict this turning sour.

Me: “Ma’am, if you’d like, we have a room in the back that your son can play in. We have a selection of toys and movies that he may like.”

Mother: “It’ll be fine. [Son] is a dearie, and he won’t mess anything up.”

I just shrug it off, but try to keep an eye on the little boy. My attention is diverted by a lady purchasing a bow tie for her husband. By the time I am done with her, the little boy is nowhere to be seen, and I assume that he has gotten bored and gone into the room to play. After a while, the lady comes back up with a layaway check and a girdle.

Me: “Thank you for making us your choice for your wedding dress. Your total is [total].”

Mother: “You haven’t seen my son, have you?”

Me: “He’s probably in the room in the back. You’re welcome to go back there if you’d like.”

Mother: “I’ll get him after I’m done here.”

She proceeds to finish her order, gets her son, and leaves. I still feel uneasy about the little boy with the big bag of food.

Me: “[Owner], I’m going to check inventory. I kinda feel off about that little boy.”

I get up and start searching the dresses, and find at least a half dozen dresses of varying styles and colors, a bunch of tablecloths, and even the dressing room mirrors with nice, smeary orange hand prints. I gather the dresses and cloths up and show them to my boss.

Owner: *takes one look* “Put them with her dress in layaway. She just chose her bridesmaid dresses.”

She later came back and tried to contest the extra dresses, claiming that they’re “not the ones she wanted,” and even threatened to report us to our local Better Business Bureau for “framing her innocent child.” Regardless, none of it worked. As a final attempt to make us feel bad, she gave us a picture of her bridesmaids and her wearing all those soiled dresses. We framed it.

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