What Meliodas Told Zeldris In “The Seven Deadly Sins” Melt The Hearts of Anime Lovers

What Meliodas Told Zeldris In “The Seven Deadly Sins” Melt The Hearts of Anime Lovers

Fans of The Seven Deadly Sins were captivated by the interpersonal relationships, secrets, and drama that goes a lot deeper than non-fans may realize. However, there is one question on most fans’ minds; what did protagonist Meliodas tell his younger brother Zeldris during an important moment in the show?


If you’ve been following The Seven Deadly Sins, there’s a good chance you can guess what we’re talking about. It plays an important part in the show as a whole- but new viewers may need some clarification on certain things before diving right in! Luckily, here are all of your questions answered if they seem slightly confusing to you. We know this series inside and out so let us clear everything up for ya’. Hop aboard and join us for our chat!

What did Meliodas tell Zeldris?


In the later part of The Seven Deadly Sins, Meliodas’s brother Zeldris became infuriated upon hearing that his brother was going to be crowned as the new Demon King. In a fit of rage, Zeldris lashed out at him and attacked in an attempt to rid himself of this decision. Meliodas pinned Zeldris down, which only served to make him angrier. However, there was a reason for Meliodas doing this that went beyond simply winning the fight. Meliodas tries to convince Zeldris that Gelda, his lover is still alive. Meliodas promises he will release her if he becomes the new Demon King and this strikes a chord in Zeldriss who then agrees to give up fighting him.


Meliodas’ immense power is enough to convince Zeldris, although he’s had his fair share of betrayals that have made him despise Meliodas. This promise goes a long way towards repairing the relationship between brothers and perhaps Gelda if it can be helped in the future. Heartbreaking romances are an important theme throughout this series.


To see how Meliodas and Zeldris’s relationship develops, you’re going to want to spend some time watching The Seven Deadly Sins. The fourth season of this show has been released on Netflix, so you can watch all the previous episodes to prepare for future action. There’s still a fifth episode awaiting release, and we know it’ll be worth watching. If you’re looking to binge-watch something in the next few days, we recommend that you take a look at “The Seven Deadly Sins” on Netflix.

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