90-Year-Old Widower Happily Shares His “Top 10 Tips To Feel Less Lonely”

Growing old without a partner by your side can terribly lonely.

Derek Taylor, 90-years-old Derek Taylor, was devastated by loneliness after both his partner and sister passed away.

The elderly Manchester, England man shared a message with him, hoping for a cure for his loneliness. His message is being shared around the world.

“The older you get, the less people seem to contact you,” Derek said, “and I thought ‘what can I do to stop being lonely?’”

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Derek created a list of tips on how to combat loneliness.  The list includes volunteering, reaching out to old friends, and putting yourself out there to make new friends!

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He decided to share his list with other elderly people, so he sent it to the Manchester City Council who published it in their Age-Friendly Manchester Program handout.

In the handout, he wrote, “Coffee mornings are an ideal chance to discuss current events, including plans for future projects for the over-50s and how homes and neighborhoods can be designed to be age-friendly.”

Derek has taken his own advice and has become much more involved in his community!

feeling lonely


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