Natural Way To Treat Vertigo Discovered By Colorado Doctor

Vertigo is a condition where the sensation of feeling off balance.  If you suffer from this issue, you are likely to feel that you are spinning around or that the world around you is spinning.

Inner ear-related problems are usually the cause of vertigo in most cases. Problems like Meniere’s disease, vestibular neuritis, and BPPV can also be the cause. Migraine headaches, certain medications that cause ear damage, head or neck injury, and brain problems are additional causes.

The most common symptoms include spinning, swaying, unbalanced, tilting, and pulled to one direction. Although rare, symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and headache are also possible.

A doctor at the University of Colorado Hospital  has developed a simple fix for vertigo! She first introduced the treatment back in 2012, and her video has gotten 2.6 million views.

“Tip your head up to look at the ceiling.

You then put your head upside down like you’re going to do a somersault.

In that position, I want you to turn to face your left elbow,” Foster said

“You wait for any dizziness to end then raise your head to back level. Wait again for dizziness to end, then sit back quickly. The half somersault maneuver has been a huge hit with nearly 2 million views on YouTube.”

“I don’t think I’ve gotten up to the level of a cat video yet,” Foster joked.

But Foster, Associate Professor and Director of the Balance Lab at the University of Colorado School of Medicine on the Anschutz Medical Campus, is highly respected among people with vertigo.

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